Astro Hackathon Showcase

Astro Sarissa Blog Theme

Responsive, functional, personal blog theme for Astro.


Sarissa Blog theme created to serve markdown-based personel blog needs.


Used libraries

Site Configuration

  //Web site title. It is visible in sidebar and browser
  siteTitle: "Sarissa Blog",
  //Web site desciption. It is visible in sidebar. Also added head meta data.
  siteDescription: "Responsive Blog Template",
  //Web site favicon
  favicon: "/favicon.ico",
  //Web site image. It is visible in sidebar
  siteImagePath: "/images/sarissa.png",
  //Override footer text.
  footer: "© 1967 - 2022 Sarissa Blog",
  //Site global date format. [Luxon](
  dateFormat: "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm",
  //Add social media name to visible sidebar
  socialMedia: {
    facebook: "ozcelikismail",
    twitter: "ismailozcelik",
    linkedin: "ismail-özçelik",
    github: "iozcelik",
  //Default page size for home page, category and archive
  pageSize: 5,
  //Customize category. Name is requried.
  //color for button and badges
  //image: if category layout is card, image shown at background in card.
  //order: override order of category
  categories: [
      name: "theme",
      color: "btn-warning",
      image: "/images/theme.jpg",
      order: 1,
  //Deafult category settings
  //order: categories can be ordered by name and count except overrided categories
  //layout: card and button
  //image: if category layout is card, image shown at background in card.
  //color: for button and badges
  //countVisibility: category has how many post shown on button or card
  categorySettings: {
    order: "name", // name | count
    layout: "card", //button | card
    image: "",
    color: "btn-primary",
    countVisibility: true,
  //fuse.js search options. Detail information at [fuse.js](
  searchOptions: {
    includeScore: true,
    includeMatches: true,
    keys: [
      { name: "title", weight: 3 },
      { name: "description", weight: 2 },
  //Customize the labels
  menu: {
    home: "Home",
    about: "About",
    categories: "Categories",
    search: "Search",
    archive: "Archive",
  //Translate labels
  i18n: {
    search: {
      placeholder: "Search post title and description...",
    archive: {
      select: "Select Year",
    page: "Page",
    resultFound: " result(s) found",

Built with Sarrisa Blog


If this template helped you, buy me a coffee.

Buy Me A Coffee


This template is MIT licensed.